so i'm here to post one little pic la..
not taken but drawn de oh!!
today, we had sketching lessons...and we were asked to sketch this old fellow... again, my deadly killer!!
however, my final drawing(the right one, the left one is the actual one) end up surprising me!!
YES, it is!! haha...
actually, not super nice la...
but i just start to think that my art cells only start to grow after i pass 20...ooopss
haha...just a little joke to let u guys L.O.L. at me la!!
haha so nice XD
nice sketch~!! teacher praised me too..says it looks real!!
i'm flying in the sky already!!
When organize ur Drawing Exhibition ?
I am sure , i will buy it for .....
around 10 bucks ??
XD funny..
RM10 bucks??
i only can eat 1 meal nia..sad la..
talking bout tis, i start 2 miss m'sia food again!!
kolo mee,laksa,roti canai,abc,bla bla bla...YUM YUM!!
CJ会对你刮目相看!!we were just talking about your art this morning, after rong's art lesson! they'll all faint seeing this! hiakz.
haha, oi~~ not bad oi~~~ i dun even thk i can sketch one like tat now..haiz~~ my skills is deteriorating~~ haha
tis cny a, nah.. not coming bck~ caz i'm takin summer course thn straight away go to Perth~~ too rush~~ hehe
nvm lar, as long as u still rmb how i look thn it's fine liaw~~ hhaaha
--------> Gie^Gie
are you ben's sister ????
hey ben ben, really nice la... better than me liao... haha... keep it up...
xiao peng peng
哇..超乎想象.当我还没开始读你所写的字,我先看了那两副图.看来看去,好象没有什么大差别.我还以为是把那张小的用影印机印大的.哈哈.. 很厉害wor.. 两张真的超像的.^^
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